Ah… A Good Nights Sleep


Our ignorance of sleep is profound, but Sleep Health is finally getting the attention it deserves, not only in America but also around the world. There are several key reasons why the most advanced countries in civilized history are beset with so many health problems and soaring health care cost; one is sleeping right next to us. We have become a sleep-deprived nation trying to function on less sleep than we did thirty years ago and the sleep health of today’s teens is in serious decline needing immediate attention. Forget academic achievement and commendable behavior with sleepy teens who need nine hours of sleep not six. A frightening high percentage of any group of people will admit they are tired, stressed and sleepy and are likely to loose focus and concentration on the job. No wonder Starbucks sales are soaring. We now know that some of our major disasters have been caused by sleep deprivation and military accidents are the leading cause of our soldier’s death – not combat. Imagine sleeping conditions at an Afghanistan outpost. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is strongly related to inadequate sleep. Highway accidents due to falling asleep equal those of DWI except the outcomes are worse- there is no avoidance reaction when asleep- you are better off drunk. Sleep deprivation precedes mental illness and a host of physical ailments.

Sleep disorders begins early in life, at birth for pre term infants (highly at risk) and progresses throughout life bringing with it a host of associated problems. In fact, it is difficult to find a major health issues that cannot be linked to fragmented sleep. Sleep is a biologic imperative for all animals and humans are the only intentional violators of the genetically imposed rhythm of rest and recovery. Going on less sleep has become a badge of honor in our culture – why waste time so much to do, but you are putting yourself in harms way. We are the cause of our own physical impairment on two fronts – improper sleep and improper diet. We are guilty, but you can be forgiven if you confront, correct and cure.

Sleeping right has everything to do with your sleep environment devoid of distractions, your Body Mass Index (BMI) measure of obesity, mental state, mealtime and body clock circadian rhythm common to all animals. Restless nights, difficulty waking, daytime sleepiness, poor school performance, lack of focused concentration and behavior issues are cardinal signs of sleep fragmentation, but the “red flag” is SNORING!

Snoring is not benign- it is pathology and should not be ignored in children or adults. Its adverse effects are progressive and destructive to sensitive linings of the nose, throat and carotid arteries. It is an obvious breathing obstruction fragmenting the sleep of both the snorer and bed partner – it should be treated.

Our orthodontic practice is concerned, connected, and committed to sleep health.
We provide information, education and effective treatment advice to all who are interested. A wise proverb: “Sleep is God, Go Worship”

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