The Top 20 Orthodontic Benefits For Your Children


  1. Correct birth defects of the mouth- cleft lip and palate
  2. Prevent mouth deforming habits- thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, lip and nail biting
  3. Correct and prevent  accidents to teeth
  4. Correct sleep disturbance
  5. Breathing disorders- mouth breathing
  6. Air way restrictions- identifying tonsil and adenoid problems- age 3-5
  7. Tooth protection form clenching and grinding habits
  8. Tooth protection for contact sports -football, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, basketball
  9. Solutions for missing teeth and misplaced teeth
  10. Monitoring and guiding tooth eruption in timely manner
  11. Creating room for teeth
  12. Dietary and nutritional information
  13. Oral hygiene education and value of healthy living
  14. Early correction of jaw relationships
  15. Directing beneficial facial growth
  16. Evaluating speech
  17. Correcting malocclusion’s  overbite, under bite, open bite, closed bite, cross bite, spacing or crowding
  18. Retaining and maintained corrected tooth positions in function
  19. Improving self-confidence and enhancing responsibility
  20. Providing scientific, realistic and helpful information with dental concerns and alternative options

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